Burning solids, such as paper, wood, fibres, plastics & Oil, Kerosene, Petrol etc. This extinguisher forms a thick layer of foam over the burning surface, effectively cutting of atmospheric supply of oxygen to the burning surface thereby smothering the fire and preventing re-ignition. Foam extinguishes fire by giving blanketing effect. 



    Capacity 9 lits. 50 lits. 135 lits.
    IS No. 10204   13386
    Capacity 9 lits. 50 lits. 135 lits.
    Jet range(in mtrs.) 6 10 16
    Jet range maintained
    for minm (in sec)
    25 40 60
    Discharge Time-sec 25-60 40-180 60-180
    Minimum % of
    90 90 90
    Empty weight in kg. 6.5 38.4 96
    Full weight in kg. 15.5 89 231